For any reason you want to uninstall a driver, you can try those 5 ways to uninstall unwanted drivers from all vendors like Nvidia, AMD, Intel, Dell, and HP. Unlike its rival AMD, Nvidia hasn't had a reputation for tricky video card driver installs, at least not to the same extent.
There are always problems of NVIDIA installer failed when we install NVIDIA graphics driver on Windows 10, such as 'The Standard NVIDIA Graphics Driver Is Not Compatible with This Version of Windows'. Similar stories How to Update AMD Drivers in Windows 10? 3 Ways for You! 1 year 8 weeks ago. Depending on the instance type, you can either download a public NVIDIA driver, download a driver from Amazon S3 that is available only to AWS customers, or use an AMI with the driver pre-installed. 144Hz LG External Monitor plugged to eGPU with DP. Input “device manager” in Taskbar Search, find and open the Device Manager. How to reinstall nvidia drivers windows 10 I then upgraded to Windows 10 and did the same thing + TdrDelay QWORD '20' and TdrDdiDelay DWORD '20' nothing either.